Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Crossroads [Poem]

I am at crossroads.

To my right, 
a path that is safe and secure.
I can see the footprints of those who have walked on this sunny trail. 
The facts tell me it leads to success. 
This path is beautiful and inviting, like a national park. 
I can see friends and family
merely walking down it. 

To my left,
a path that is dark and dangerous.
The path is obstructed by twisted trees.
Though legends tell me it leads to either blissful destiny or utter catastrophe.
This path is beautiful but frightening, like a mountain.
Only the courageous and the audacious
dare embark on it.

I will have to choose
when I choose 
that choice has been made forever
when a choice is made
the effects of that choice will turn
into a new set of crossroads. 

Which way will my life go? 
Prudence & I have gone over it 
dozens and dozens and dozens
of times. 

Prudence says, 
"Those who have gone to the right -
their lives are easy, safe, and bright.

Dangerous things may transpire,
down the left road. It could be dire.
Cutthroats, thieves, brutes, and liars!

Life is dangerous and short. Always be cautious.
Why anyone would risk, it makes me nauseous!

Listen to reason, and choose the well-trodden-
perhaps later in life, your horizons can broaden"

Oh, Prudence!
You know that always have I obeyed your voice.
what is that I detect in your words, Prudence?
Do I hear cowardice lurking behind your caution?

Gah! Oh, how I am weary of Prudence!

What do you tell me, Passion? 

“Youth need experience
as Flowers need the sun:
To grow! Embrace the new, 
or growing can't be done.

How can one be a Mythic Hero,
without venturing into the land of trials?
No Enlightenment is had,
for one who dwells in risk-less isles. 

The longings in your heart of hearts,
were planted there by God's hand,
to lure souls to their fated quests.
Fulfilling them is divine command!"

Passion's words
are the sparks that light up my fiery soul!
I know what I must do now!
I heed Passion’s wisdom!

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