Monday, October 7, 2013

Making Earth Heaven [Poem]

Who would want to be on their death bed and realize,
"I had so many days each year to change this world I despise?"
Like being given a precious jewel and then throwing it away,
You didn't steer your life to a higher goal, you just drifted astray.

Let's make real all of those dreams of youth,
Let's fully realize all of these ecstatic truths:
Compassion, Wisdom, Abundance, Peace, and Freedom,
so they can be manifest in our own personal kingdoms.
We have the will! We can pull Heaven down to Earth!
We'll strive & struggle until all are full of mirth!!!

Heaven is the far-away ideal,
Earth is the nitty-gritty real,
And we are the bridge in-between,
making dreams reality for all beings.

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