Keep on seeking, until the Two become One.
Life is a Duality:
Man and Woman,
Day and Night,
Hot and Cold,
Pleasure and Pain,
Growth and Decay,
Heaven and Earth,
Good and Evil,
Birth and Death,
Past and Future,
Mind and Body,
Order and Chaos,
Positive and Negative.
Everything and Nothing,
Me and You.
Keep on striving, until the Two become One.
The nature of Duality,
is Temporality,
The nature of Temporality,
is Unsatisfactoriness.
The nature of Unsatisfactoriness,
is Suffering.
Suffering is as intrinsic to life as wetness is to water.
Keep on sacrificing, until the Two become One.
Does a clock stop when it reaches the end of its cycle, my dear?
No, it just keeps going on & on & on. Just like all of us, you hear?
There’ll always be more words to tell
some more things to buy and sell,
another morning woken up by a bell,
forever spent in this saccharine Hell.
Oh God! You gotta get me out of here!!
Keep on singing, until the Two become One.
Nosce Te Ipsum:
Just as water takes the shape of a bottle when it is in a bottle, but is not itself the bottle,
So too is the Self only inside the shape of a Human, but is itself not the Human.
Just as a droplet of water is a microcosm of the Ocean,
so too is the Self a microcosm of the Universe.
Just as a droplet of water, when merging in the Ocean, becomes indistinguishable from the Ocean,
So too does the Self, when merging in the Universe, become indistinguishable from the Universe.
Keep on shining, until the Two become One.
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