Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I want More [Poem]

I want to do more than just exist.

I want to surpass my self,
I want my life and my dreams to be one,
I want to be great at what makes me feel great,
I am a seed planted in the ground of everyday life,
and I want to grow into the tree I know I can be.

I want to be free to travel far away,
I want my senses to be awoken by novelty,
I want my mind to be absorbed by wonder,
I want my memories to be filled with rich experiences.
I am a man filled with wanderlust,
and am stuck in a cage.

I want to feel close to Nature,
I want Her to set me free from my outer and inner chains,
I want to be familiar with all that is beautiful and sublime.
I am a being with an appetite for bliss,
and that appetite demands to be satiated.

I want to feel close to the Universe,
I want His starry heavens above to inspire me,
and to remind me of those starry heavens I have within.
I am a child of the stars with a body made of earth,
and I want to feel close to home.

I want my courage to be tested,
I want my life to be an adventure - not a cruise
I want to face the unknown and come out unscathed.
I am a hero waiting for his legend to begin,
and I am getting a little impatient.

I want to do more than just exist,
I want to feel really and truly alive.


  1. You crave a massive dose of adventure. Have the adventure.
