Thursday, July 16, 2015

Advice from a Disciple on the Artists Path [Poem]

Of the arts, I practice most the art of the word,
either written like stories or spoken in theatre, 
or both, for in poetry the read/speak line is blurred. 
I am a humble disciple on the path of creativity. 

Let me tell you of some insights I have gathered. 
First: Never give up, and desire progress intensely, 
for no artist who was weak or lazy ever mattered. 
With that out of the way, let me speak of inspiration...

For mortals, inspiration is like a bug:
It creeps up when you least expect. 
It doesn’t come if you try to tug
or yell at it to do what you want. 

Inspiration is a great light divine
that flashes and thunders within. 
All Art is never yours or mine 
For it belongs to the gods alone. 

But artists need not live and toil,
under the whims of capricious powers. 
Ego is always the artists’ great foil, 
one free of it receives creativity's fire. 

Truly: The mind is like a bowl,
and a mind already full of itself,
and the consciousness of goal, 
cannot be full of the gods’ gifts. 

Self-Forgetfulness is the secret of the Master.
Therefore, cherish it and the things that cause it,
seeking them will help your art progress faster.
This is advice from a disciple of the artists’ path. 

The self is easily lost in experiences of great suffering or bliss, 
in boredom or novelty, talk or silence, love or loneliness, 
synchronicities or chaos, Nature, and Death. Got this?
And also: In experiences of invincible determination or in surrender. 

At last my final piece of advice:
Absorb the works of other artists, 
whatever your art, any will suffice. 
Learn and be nourished by them. 

For what goes into the mind, 
must also go out of the mind. 
So if art goes in, art comes out. 
And finally: To everyone, be kind. 

May this poem fulfill it’s good intention, 
and may it glorify the Supreme Creator,
we are just Little Creators seeking ascension. 
Cheerfulness and progress to all artists! Aum. 

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