Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Silence [Poem]


I've missed you a lot.
Why do you run away from me?
Absorbed in all that noise, plugged into all those people...
Have you forgotten my soothing subtleties?

Soon I will have passed away into legends,
As you ceaselessly invent technologies that snuff me out,
and cities where you can  hide from me altogether.

Why? Why do you do it?
Are you afraid? Are you bewildered?

I promise to you, if you let go of your gadgets
And all of those games, forget your worries and desires,
You'll discover an empty space between your thoughts.
Did you even know it existed? Visit me there sometime.
It's a serene and spacious place.

Come on. Let your breath be the siren song
That lures you to me, the stillness behind all motion,
and from there you can gently slip into my profundity.

When we are together, just think:
I am supremely ordinary.
That is what makes me Extraordinary.


(For those of you who are confused, the "person" speaking in this poem is the personification of silence). 

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