Sunday, December 22, 2013

Read this right now [Poem]

You are reading this.
Thank you…
For letting me into your mind.
As your eyes follow these words,
I can slip thoughts that are not your own into your head
All for my own mysterious ends.

You have given me incredible power over you right now…  
Don’t believe me? Okay then. Here’s a challenge: Don’t think about roses.
Are you thinking about roses? Ha! See?
Your mind is totally under my control.

Hmmm… What shall I get you to think about today?
A Fantasy… like pirates looking for treasure?
A Nightmare… like a serial killer stalking innocents?
A Warning… like if you don’t question what you read,
people can get you to believe in anything?

I hope you keep that in mind,
because the time has come,

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Quote Showcase #1 [Article]

A quote should be a pithy saying which expresses a lot of truth and wisdom. A quote, after you read it, should make you want to share it with everyone you know. It should stick with you and become a mantra that you say in your head, it should become something that, after you read it, makes you stop and think for a long time. I think that any quotable person is worthy of a tremendous deal of respect.

No wonder I have become a collector and lover of quotes in my life! I have a quote and a saying for just about every situation, and there are more than a few quotes that have become like mantras and prayers that I say to myself during certain times where I need some wisdom to guide me. Every time I repeat them they dig deeper and deeper into my subconscious and the words make an increasingly ever lasting psychic impression.

Quotes have saved me from many a dark day and given me power during times of weakness. To express my gratitude for the quotes in the world, I'm starting a new monthly showcase on my blog that is all about quotes (in no particular order or theme).

Remember when reading a quote to reflect on it so it can sink in fully. Repeat it, say it to yourself a few different ways, think about each word, hold it in your mind, analyze it, feel it. A quote is not worth reading if you don't fully digest it. Otherwise it doesn't become a part of your being.

 Let's see what is lined up for our first installment!

"This moment is always the occasion" - Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche

I first came across this quote during my stay at Gampo Abbey. I think it perfectly sums up the entire philosophy of mindfulness!

Everyone is always looking for an "occasion" - either remembering a previous one or imagining/wishing for a future one. Sometimes when we are bored we create "occasions" in our mind, imagined conversations, imaginary situations. The unmindful mind, our little private cinema, creates a thousand and one occasions on a daily basis.

Yes, the mind is always wandering without beginning or end. Why? The mindful mind knows that the present moment is what the unmindful mind is looking for. The busy mind actually wants stillness.

Since I first read this quote it is like a mantra that I say to myself when I am out on walks or out in my daily life. I cannot tell you how many times I have been astonished by how much raw perception and how much beauty is present in literally every single individual moment, and how much more internal happiness we have when our consciousness is more grounded in the impressions of the exterior world instead of always neurotically following whatever erroneous thought is entering our mind.

I remember walking home from school and seeing a tree during the fall, just a simple little tree, and staring at it for a good ten minutes because the sight of it, from  the way the sun was slightly behind the clouds in that moment, the way the tree was positioned in my sight, etc - was so gorgeous. I remember thinking "Wow!" when I saw the wind blowing leaves across the street when I once was walking my dog. It was as if the leaves were engaged in an elegant little dance that no one had noticed but me. I remember finding the tune of the wind hitting the leaves in the trees to be so melodious. I remember the way that the clouds sometimes move along the sky becoming one of my all-time favorite visual perceptions because it so zen.
Never fed, ever satisfied. Ever fed, never satisfied - Paramahansa Yogananda 

Paramahansa Yogananda's deceptively simple quote perfectly sums up the delusive nature of desire. Desire is like an itch: You think that by scratching it the itch goes away, but really, scratching it just makes it itch more and more and more and more. It is true of food, it is true of money, it is true of sex, it is true of drugs, etc.

Think of all the millionaires in the world who can instantly get any possession or food that they want. What do they want? Even more food, money, sex, etc. It never ends!

Think, too, of a person who was perfectly fine a minute ago but is currently a raging volcano of desire because he saw an Ad on TV or his friend talking about something. Just like that. Like a leaf being tossed around in the wind, he is being dragged by external impressions without any thought of his own. Who knows what paths those external impressions might take him?

But a person who abstains, a person who is self-controlled,  does not have that problem. He is perfectly content in the current moment. He walks into a store filled with things he doesn't need, and doesn't buy anything. Someone mentions ice-cream after he just had supper and instead of going after the ice cream he says he is full. The self-controlled man knows the peace and contentment of the present moment and doesn't want it disturbed by whatever random desires come popping in!

What a radical quote to think of in our 21st century consumerist society!
"If you love life, don't waste time, because time is what life is made of" - Bruce Lee

Wow. Whenever I read this quote, the tiger within me gets awoken a little. It makes me want to do the things I love and pursue my dreams. This is a quote that gets me off the couch and gets me doing something. 

This is such a rich quote that it is worth interpreting piece by piece: "If you love life...". Everyone should love life. Life is so precious. Think back to a time when you smiled or when you were really happy. There are so many countless causes and conditions that were required for that one thing to happen. It is such an incredible opportunity that you could ever feel that great at all.

"don't waste time...." Heck, just today I have spent almost all of it zoning out and lazing around. But then I started working on this, and my happiness levels boosted because I am exerting myself and doing something that I really love (writing). Happiness isn't having nothing to do and obeying every command that the Id sends at you, happiness is having a goal and completing that goal, and the best kind of happiness is exceeding your expectations. This isn't something that just happens, it is something that we have to consciously do. If it were any other way it wouldn't be worth it. Life is so much better when we have the energy of awakenment flowing through us.

"Because time is what life is made of". We delude ourselves into thinking that things are the same from moment to moment. Really, they aren't: Every micro-second of existence is brand new. This is true at the microscopic levels of the Atom and the Molecule where things are always changing and moving but also true from the perspective of what our own eyes can see: Everything is always running out, there is always something different about this moment versus every moment that came before or after.

That is Time. Everything around you - people, objects, situations - is running on the sand of a mercilessly finite hourglass. Time is impersonal: It doesn't care if you wanted to repeat this or that experience, or for that person to be that away again, or for this object not to break. Now lets apply this to you. Think back to how short of a time it was to get to the age of 15 to the age you are now. Blink of an eye, isn't it?

If you don't consciously take the bull by the horns, god knows where you could end up, and then the rare and precious life that you had was thrown away. The image of being given a rare diamond and then throwing it away into the garbage is what comes to mind. Better fulfill your dreams while you still have a will that is strong, a body that is healthy and a mind that is sane. Better love the people around you while they have those things going for them too.

I think that's a nice note to end on! I hope that these quotes leave a lasting impression, as any good quote should! Remember to follow the instructions I said at the beginning so you can really digest the words of wisdom that have been offered to you today.


Thursday, December 5, 2013

Retreating [Short Story]

Flopping onto my bed, I curled up into a little ball, giving up for today.

I swear, my stress and anxiety had gotten to the point that it was now a tangible substance. It felt gross and heavy. It was a sticky black goo that was clogging up the wheels of the machinery in my life, making everything function either sub-par or not at all.

I considered getting a shower to cleanse myself, but I had already showered two days ago and need to save water. So I had to bear it.

I rolled around in my bedsheets, trying to wipe off this invisible stress-substance, but it wouldn’t come off. I closed my eyes. It was late. Mom and Dad were already in bed and asleep. They don’t know what happened. They’ve suspected that’s somethings been wrong for days, but they’re too busy to really take notice or offer advice. Besides, what help could they offer anyway? They wouldn’t understand. They think I’m with my best friend Jim or my girlfriend Alexandria. Yeah, as if that’d ever happen again.

So much can change in one day. Not even one day, just a couple of hours. One hour you’re at the house of your only friend, and the next minute your girlfriend comes over. You get a sour feeling in your stomach because you know something bad is about to happen, even though you don’t know why. But like a prophecy of doom you ignore it’s forewarnings to make yourself feel better. Sure enough within the next hour your friend and your girlfriend are now dating. What better way to announce it than for her to kiss him right in front of you?

I’ll never forget that feeling. Being betrayed and dumped all at once by my two favourite people who ever lived. Guess the feeling wasn’t mutual.

It was all so surreal and so lightning-fast, it was like a nightmare. The gross, heavy substance became thicker and more plentiful the more I reflected on this situation. Like I was drowning in black goo.

All the people sleeping in this house are so lucky. When people sleep they can effortlessly make the whole world dissolve, retreating into nothingness. I wish I could do that right now.

Ah, nothingness! Sometimes I wished I could go into nothingness forever. That would mean not feeling any of this black goo. That would mean no unenriched past, or burdensome present, or doubtful future. It would mean no aching body, speedy mind or tormented heart. It would mean never having possessed any consciousness of anything that ever was at all or ever having to. Zilch. Zero.

The ultimate escape. It would be like sleeping and never coming back. What could be better? I don’t see any problems with wanting to do that. I mean, I never asked to be born.

I turned over in my bed and started to tear up. Plus, I’m going to die anyway. I may as well hasten the process… but I know I’m too weak to do that. It was an action that will forever remain a thought. So there was really no escape. The consequences of my actions will always be real, the trials I face will remain real… I’ll wake up tomorrow and I’ll still be alone and friendless.

I remained motionless in bed, slowly crying. Depressed enough to wish I could just fall asleep but too restless to do it. Almost every night for weeks since the incident has ended like this. I spent my days not talking to anyone or doing anything, like a turtle that had retreated into his shell so that he couldn’t get hurt or affected in any particular way, but as a consequence couldn’t really live. It was a fair-trade off, though, I thought.

I found that I lived my life like it was a dream. Not the kind where you become lucid, or the kind of dream that gives you a huge revelation about yourself. Not that exciting kind of dream. I lived my life like the dreams that you forgot because they were unimportant and confusing. It had all the same trappings: It was something I merely reacted to as opposed to acted upon, it was something that I stumbled through in a daze while witnessing scenes passing by ranging from joy, to boredom, to agony…

But the worst part about this dream-like life was that at the end of the day, it wasn’t a dream. That’s what I hoped it was. When I got home and was going to bed the night of the incident, I still couldn’t really believe it.. So I went to bed thinking that when I woke up the next morning everything will be back to normal: I’d still be joking around with Jim, then I’ll get a call from the adorable Alexandria and our hearts will be beaming together on the phone… but no. Why?

Because life was actually real. That’s what made me want to retreat into nothingness. Life was so overwhelmingly real and I just couldn’t handle it. My past could never be restored or improved, no matter how hard I try to remember it. The future could never be predicted, no matter how hard I try to imagine it. No, the future could only be made, and I didn’t have the strength to make it any particular way.

That’s not true, I thought, darkly. I’ve proved to myself that I have the ability to make it average or even downright crappy. Well, that’s not totally true… I’ve been happier before. Memories of happier days emerged from the swirling chaos of my mind.

I can do better. Had some part of me yet to give up?

I felt this part of me temporarily overcome my sense of “I”, so that I became the person in me who hasn’t given up as opposed to the person in me who has. I looked at my life with a different set of eyes than before, and thought: “This is absurd. Here you are, lying in bed, hoping the world will go away when you acknowledge the impossibility of that. Come on! You’re alive, so you may as well live, and what is life without struggle, without acts of will, without ambition and fulfillment and loss?”. My crying halted.

I felt like an inner fire was burning inside me, and it made me feel more awake. I could feel it coursing through my veins. It was like my life force. It wanted to lift me up. I could feel this new inner fire and the black goo competing with each other.

“But what if there really is no point?” my more pessimistic side retorted. My optimistic side thought it over and responded,“It’s your choice”. It was right! It really was all up to me.

I could feel myself become decisively disgusted with the attitude I’ve had these last few weeks. I opened my eyes, with intensity. The fiery substance became stronger. I consciously whispered to myself: “I can do it. Yes! I can actually do it!!”.

My inner fire started to burn through all that black goo, replacing feelings of apathy and despair with enthusiasm and exertion.

I actually leapt out of my bed and stood in my bedroom, spine upright. Like a king. I swear, this distinctly physical gesture threw off the remaining bits of stress that were left in me, and I could feel my inner fire burning brightly.

Screw Jim and Alexandria!!! I can make new friends! Did I really just say that to myself? That was pretty bold. I felt like running to the top of a hill and yelling that out to the world as loud as I could. Even if I couldn’t actually do that since, y’know, it’s kinda dark out and I don’t know of any hills nearby. But I was doing it in my head and it got my point across to myself.

What should I do? I’ll try and put a smile on someone else’s face for once. Everyone wants to smile. Yeah, that’s right. Everyone wants happiness and nobody wants suffering, so I can make new friends by trying to make people happy. Oooooh, I was really on fire now!

Tomorrow was a new day. It doesn’t matter that it’s the middle of the week and the middle of the month. I don’t need to wait until something like New Years or some other big occasion to change my life. I can do it right now, just because I want to.

With all that, I at last began to feel sleepy. But I had a different attitude towards sleep now. I didn’t approach sleep with wanting to disappear, but with wanting to rejuvenate myself. For the first time in a while, I was so excited and happy.


Friday, November 29, 2013

The Inner Fires [Short Story]

I remember walking in an unknown land. I encountered the stunning sight of the glimmering summer ocean. My whole being stopped to take it all in. Beauty is too weak a word, we use it for too many things. All I can tell you is that when primordial poets first observed the earth, this is what they meant when they said Beauty. The more I stared at it the more details I noticed:
How the clouds gently strolled across the sky. How the sun generously bathed everything in golden light.

But the thing that strikes the most, perhaps, was the scope. I could feel my own mind being stretched out to infinity as I tried to take it in. It didn't make me feel insignificant, it made me feel ecstatic, because I knew I was a part of that infinity. I don't know how long I stood there, staring. It would have felt blasphemous to think in terms of time at this place, this altar of Beauty not made by the hands of Man.

After I was done honoring the view , I walked a little bit farther. I noticed there was another forest to the right of me. I walked right in like it was the house of an old friend who had told you that you could stop by anytime.

"Sssssshhhhhhh..... SsssshhhSSSshshhhhhh"... My ears caught the inviting tune of a stream nearby. I felt blessed; Life has provided a feast for me today! I followed the sound. I admired the water for a little while and then I placed my right foot on a rock in the stream, and when I felt that my footing was firm enough, I placed my left foot on it as well. I looked ahead. There was a rock within a step's distance of me for as far as I could see, like a little trail. My curious mind exclaimed: Maybe I could follow it to the source of the stream?

I walked on each rock, sometimes slipping a little bit into the water. I got to a certain point and there were no more rocks to step on, and the stream got too deep for it to be worth following to the end.

The last rock was big enough to sit on, and so I did, cross-legged like a meditating Buddha. I stared at the stream, my eyes darting along trying to follow the constant arising and dissolving of the water. As hard as my eyes and mind tried to discern where the waves began or ended, they just couldn't. The water was totally and utterly formless and wouldn't yield to my mind’s attempts to draw lines that would conceptualize it and make it easier to fathom.

Because of that, something in me snapped. My conceptual mind gave up trying to rationalize the world and saw the pure, raw elemental life constantly before it. Everything came alive and every second of me seeing this stream became the first time I had seen it over and over again.Pure novelty. It was the only true to way to see it; to see it in any other way would be a lie. There was nothing the same in the stream from moment to moment. It was an illusion that my mind had superimposed on it, making me see the concept of water instead of the water itself, making something solid out of something so fundamentally fluid.

I gazed at the stream,  enraptured at the sight of this simple awe.

But, tragically, that sense of separateness and sense of "I've seen this before"-ness came over me again, like a veil.

That whole sequence of events is immortal to me.

"Danny!" my mother cried from inside the house, interrupting my train of thought and snapping me out of my daze. I tried to bring the thoughts I was having about my summer vacation to some kind of conclusion, but then she cried again and the urgency in that second cry got me going inside the house from our yard, which I realized I had been laying in for the last twenty minutes at least.

I walked in and saw that she was serving breakfast. Dad was already at the table, eating. Bacon and eggs. "What were you doing out there, anyway? You were up pretty early.". "I was just thinking" I responded, trying to brush her question off so she wouldn't pin me down. She understood that and didn't press me any further. Sometimes her 18-year old son doesn’t want to make light of the shadows of his thoughts.

"Son, hurry up and finish, you’re going to be late for school". My Dad said in an authoritative tone. I ate as fast I could. The food was okay. I was too busy being in my head for me to enjoy the sensations of the food passing through my mouth. All three of us ate speedily. Mom and Dad had to go to work at roughly the same time that I had to go to school, and at this rate it looked like I would be late because they had to get to work first.

We all hopped in the car, driving. We had some standard chit-chat to fill the car with noise. Usual stuff, "What do you have for school today?" "What are you doing after school today?" "Me and your mother will be home at...". Blah blah blah. It was different from the vacation that we recently returned from and which I was remembering in the yard, where we were all lively and laughing with each other.

We drove by the dull grey sidewalks, grey streets and grey buildings that have covered the whole world. Everything was so gray. All the concrete - that is, mostly everything - was gray. The sky was gray today. Our car was gray. Even the school I was being sent to was gray.

Gray is by far the most boring and least aesthetic color. There is nothing in it that captivates the senses, or that expresses any feelings in our souls, like how red invokes passion, gold invokes glory, or green invokes nature… the only thing I can imagine gray invoking is boredom.

I wondered what people would ask me when I got to school, and how I would respond to them. "Where were you?" "On vacation" I'd say, and then they'd mechanically go on what a good time I’d had. While they were doing that I'd be desperately trying to reconstruct those scenes of beauty and wonder. Remembering them is the only way to save me from this modern banality that absorbs me whenever I get back home and which seeps into every crevice of my soul.
It's like while out and exploring the natural world I was awake, but back here the world lulled me into a sleep, so that I sleepwalked through life.

Why do people want to live like this? More importantly, why do I even want to live like this? I think the speed and banality of our lifestyle takes on a mind of its own and we mistake that for what's really real. I think one day I'll abandon all of my possessions, or sell them, and just walk as far I can go.

I'll sleep on the streets, hitchhike, find all of Nature's secret spots, see the world... anything for an adventure. "Oh yeah” I can imagine my Mom or Dad saying, "And then what?" and they’'ll bring up a list of things to worry about like food, shelter, and security. I’d say back, “An adventure is not a pleasure cruise, an adventure has its ups and downs. An adventure has uncertainty. If that's not what you want, don't go on an adventure. You don't have to spit on my inspiration just because the fiery blood of your own youthful enthusiasm was put out ages ago!!”.

Well you know what? My own inner fires are blazing too hard to be put out. Sometimes they are like a raging inferno that will consume everything in sight! Or maybe my own fiery blood will become too much to contain and will kill me from the inside if I don't appease it by offering it what it wants: more achievements, more bliss, more adventures, more beauty, more, more more!!

I finally arrived at school and walked inside like a zombie. While I was entering I saw a pebble. It reminded me of the stream. Just being able to imagine that “Sssshhhhh...Sssshhssshhhh…” soothed me. I looked out a window. The sun looks glorious today. I love the way it shines on the people passing by. Sometimes when they smile their faces are as bright and as warm as the sun itself. In fact, as much as I loved my summer vacation, I am awfully happy to see so many of these people again. Any radical thoughts about abandoning my possessions and adventuring get put aside as I join my friends and we make plans for the rest of the day.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Great People [Poem]

Ah, how I desire so desperately to be like The Great People!
You all know who I mean.
They’re the leaders, poets and teachers people are inspired by in life,
or maybe have even met and remembered in your own life.
Each of them is like a projection of who I want - no - who I know I can be!

With the wise words of so many Great People passing through my mind,
how could I ever not reach The Goal?
Yeah, How could I ever go wrong?
I’m armed with a quote for every battle and a saying for every situation.
Yeah, bring it on world!



Why oh why, after all this striving, am I not like them?
After all that I still fail and my willpower still falters! My mind still wavers and my heart still quivers!
Could it be I've collected more motivational sayings than actual motivation?
Or is The Goal only for people made of stronger stuff than I?

Frustration fills my every pore!!
The Great People make walking The Path and reaching The Goal seem so easy!
What is it that makes them so Great, and me so Small?
Why oh why can’t I do it?!

The Goal always remains perpetually out of reach, like a dog chasing a car!
Whatever tower I build to reach that mythic goal collapses under its own weight,
sending me back down to this dreary Earth.
But in my mind's eye, I can still see The Great People there,
frozen in time and towering over the rest of us, the Small People, like a shadow.

But still, I will not surrender! Never, never, never!
Not to the overwhelming forces of distraction, laziness, and despair!!
Not to the apparent might of my weaknesses!
In fact, bring it on!
I will strive on  until I am absolutely intoxicated with ambition and motivation!!



After having exerted every last bit of effort I had left!
I looked back at my progress on The Path and was delighted.
Then I looked ahead and saw that the Goal was still on the horizon, and was yet more delighted.
I had finally realized that I would never reach The Goal. It was never the point.
Walking The Path was the point. The Path was the real goal.
The Great People knew this too. What is the point of completing an objective, and then stopping?
Truly, staying still is falling behind.
I laughed at myself, then took a deep breath… and strove on again!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Ethics Versus Law [Article]

moral principles, as of an individual: His ethics forbade betrayal of a confidence.

law  (lô)
1. A rule of conduct or procedure established by custom, agreement, or authority.

Among many people, you find the idea that Man is divided in (more or less) three different parts: A uniquely human rational part,another part that is derived directly from the animal world with all the things that entails: elemental lusts, the desire to kill, etc., and another part that is supposed to decide which one wins.

Think Freud’s Superego, Ego, and Id. Or Plato’s conception of a tripartite human soul: Logical, Spirited (willpower) and Appetite.

Truly, without that Ego and Super-ego, without that Logos, we are all wild beasts. We become an unstoppable force of destruction, an unrivaled and untamable hedonist, a beast so savage that lions, wolves, and tigers seem like puppies and kittens in comparison.
“Man without ethics is a wild beast loosed upon this world.” - Albert Camus
Truly, without that Ego and Super-ego, without that Logos, we are all wild beasts. Indeed, we become an unstoppable force of destruction, an untameable hedonist, a beast so savage that lions, wolves, and tigers seem like puppies and kittens in comparison.

What I find interesting about the usage of the word “Ethics” is my belief that Ethics is something different from Laws.

A Law is something external decided upon by either tradition, agreement, or authority. It is backed up by systems of justice like the police, jails, etc.

Ethics, though, is something internal. It’s that inner policeman that always watches you and gets you to stop and say: “Hang on, is this right? Am I being true?”. It is your own natural ability to deduce an action that is morally right versus an action that is morally wrong. In short, it is conscience in action.

I believe that every human being has the ability of Ethics: to naturally discern a right action from a wrong action, because we all desire goodness. However, I also think that, much like a muscle, if this ability is never used it is virtually useless and because of that you would be forgiven for thinking that it didn't exist at all. Because of the fact that not all of us have exercised this faculty equally (in much the same way not all of us are equally muscular), we invent Laws to ensure that everyone acts in a way that is determined to be ethical, and that people are rewarded or punished justly based on them.

However, there is an intrinsic push-pull with Ethics and Laws. There is a huge danger in Laws becoming draconian, overly bureaucratic, and, very banal. Lao tzu says it better than I can:
"The more laws there are, the more criminals there will be" - Lao Tzu 
The harder we try to control everything, the more out of control everything seems to get.  Worse of all, in outright contradicting the ideals of our ethical minds such as Justice, Equality, etc.

And He said to them, 'The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. - Jesus Christ (Mark 2:27).
Jesus illustrates what I mean very well: The pharisees are demanding that Jesus not help a sick man, because the law says he is working on the Sabbath. But helping the sick man is the right thing to do. Sometimes, doing the right thing is against the law. Sometimes the law is doing the wrong thing.

However, we can't deny the necessity of having laws, because everyone relying on there own natural sense of ethics is too ideal of a situation, and of course without laws we would live in an anarchistic society where there would be nothing to prevent someone from killing and raping everyone in sight.

Right now, I believe that Laws are currently winning the tug-of-war with Ethics. This is bad, because more Laws actually result in less Ethics and, in the end, more suffering for us all.

Why? When we rely on regulated procedures rather than our feelings to determine what is right, we start to lose track of rather or not those procedures are even effective and people become more immoral because they don't try to be good people in there day-to-day lives. When we rely on systems of surveillance 1984-style to ensure that everyone is acting in order we all have to put up with the burden of being watched 24/7: No one can be trusted because we've put too much trust in Laws to ensure people will be doing the right thing as opposed to putting that trust in ourselves.

The best way to solve this problem is to ensure that you are ethical in your day to day life. It's impossible, I think, to 100% fulfill any ethical ideal, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try - trying is the whole point!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

A Slice of Dreaming Life [Short Story]

I crept into my bed and began to perform my nightly ritual. It was a peculiar habit of mine. The highlight of my day was what I did at night. It has been this way for a long time.

Lying in my bed with my face straight up, like a corpse, I started to feel myself falling asleep, never letting my mind drift off as all mundane people do in these moments, never giving my body a chance to roll over or budge. Doing this took saintly patience. Gradually I could feel my body metamorphose into a subtle statue, then my limbs and torso were overcome with a feeling of hollowness, like they had vanished into thin air.

My body finished “turning off”,  then I gently arose out of my bed, like a sleepwalking child. I turned around to see my body still in the bed. That body with all its throbbing's, aches, solidness, and heaviness. Now I was in a different body - one that was translucent and light.

Excited that my transition from flesh to energy had turned out successful again, I focused and took a few deep breaths to adjust myself to this new awareness. There was a danger, I discovered, after many attempts of doing astral projections, in being overwhelmed by the often inexplicable sensations of this state. So I took it all in first.

We use words to describe things that we are or can be familiar with. Imagine for a moment that there are things out there for which there are no words. There can be the experience of it - but no words for it. You will find I use the word “like” or similar descriptive a lot in astral sojourns. This is because I can only vaguely elaborate on what I am feeling, experiencing, sensing, etcetera.

Everything felt very light. I tilted my transient head upward and floated out of my apartment like a ghostly bird.

I mentally concentrated more on my direction (up), becoming less like a bird and more like a rocket shooting off into the night sky.

I dove into the cloud ocean, until I halted when I saw my surroundings fade into a canyon-like crevice. I was only surprised for an instant. I am used to a lack of consistency in the dream world.

In the “real world”, everything is linear, a straight line,  one place always leads to another place and you can trace your steps knowing you live in a rational and solid environment. Orderly. But the “dream world” is not like that. You could find yourself in the middle of one moment that has a past that you are not altogether sure of, or you could walk into a forest and wind up in the middle of the ocean as if you always had been and there never was a forest. Chaotic.

I needed to observe. To my left & right: a wall of rock. In front: a dark and narrow passageway. Up: A night sky. Down: More rock.

I floated motionless, wondering what to do. Why did this happen? I don’t know. I stopped asking questions like this. Go with the flow. If you think about it too hard your brain will get tied in a knot, and then you would forget what you were ever thinking about because you would be in a different random place, doing a different random thing.

I decided to start floating again, and again in the general direction of “up”, though very cautiously. The night sky above me was always the same distance away regardless of how much I moved. I finally realized that I was going nowhere and gave up.

So I thought, “try something different”. I tilted my whole body and swam “forward” into the passageway instead of “up” into the night sky. To move I Imitated the strokes of an Olympic swimmer. I intuited that I was making progress. To confirm this I turned around, and noticed that I was further along in the passage and not in my original spot. Encouraged, I continued this action.

My attention was stolen from me by a liquid-like light emerging in front of me. As I felt it approaching I had this unshakeable feeling of “other-ness”. Like seeing a strange animal for the first time, but magnified a thousandfold. Out of the corner of my eyes I could see that I was no longer in a passageway, but that I inexplicably in a wide-open space with grass beneath me and a blue sky above.

I noticed that the shape of this liquid-like light was tall and thin, like a skyscraper, and that the way it was moving towards me suggested that it was alive. I must resort to using the word “suggested” because it did not move in anyway resembling anything I think exists in the “real world”. But if you saw it you would have to agree that this huge, radiant, watery column was cognizant.

I cannot recall if I was in terror, or in awe, or perhaps just really confused. Maybe a mixture of all three. But what happened next I had no doubt about, it is still very vivid in my memory. Like your first kiss, or the first time you see a really big mountain, it remains as one of those moments where, if I closed my eyes and imagined it, I could still be right there.

From this luminous pillar, a meteor-shaped, vividly green and purple rock spat out and landed perfectly in my hand which I did not even know was open, like I was already prepared to receive it. I clutched on to it so hard, it was as if my life depended on that little rock. I placed it gently in my pocket.

Then I began to feel myself wake up. Everything faded, and then my consciousness returned to my body, in the same position it had before I had fallen asleep and started my dreaming adventure.

I lied still, and a couple of minutes after that the memories of what just happened came rushing back to me. I then began my morning routine, which was just as instinctive and well-rehearsed as the night routine which triggers my out-of-the-body state.

I never budged until I was 100% certain that I could recall all that had happened in full detail and in the right order. Then I reached for the bright blue journal that I use to record my dreams in so that I do not forget them, can research them, etc.

I was angry that I found my dream journal was not where I had left it. I was certain that I had placed the journal in its usual spot, underneath the pillow. It is usually the last thing I did before bed... maybe I misplaced it somewhere else in my apartment?

I got out of my red king-sized feather bed , still in my blue pyjamas, and walked into my unbelievably messy living room. You name it and there it was, and probably on top of something else, too.

How could I find my precious dream journal in this mess? I thought to myself, you know, I did definitely go to the bathroom before going to bed. Had I left it in there by mistake? Wouldn’t be the first time.

I scanned the whole bathroom. It wasn’t here, either, for god sakes! I hope its not in the living room... by the time I find it I’d have forgotten my entire dream! No, it must be in my bedroom. There is no other place where I would put it. Its not like ever take it OUT of my bedroom.

Oh no! It must have fallen out of the bed, and onto the floor next to it.

Then, as soon as I stepped into my bedroom, an epiphanic moment. That rock I was given by that thing is still in my pocket!!

I am still dreaming.

And with that last thought, everything around me vanished and I felt myself being submerged back into my REAL physical body.

I reached for my dream journal and was delighted to find it really was underneath my pillow. I took out the pencil I kept inside the journal and wrote everything up until now.

Looking back, it was obvious I had awakened falsely. The subtle elements of dreaming where present: the blurry “pixels” in my vision, the feeling of lightness, etc. But now I was 100% certain that I was in the real world. Things felt solid, consistent, stable.

I started to dress in my work clothes, and to mentally map out the rest of my day. I shut out all thoughts about what the dreams I had to avoid slipping into ideas so profound I could drown in them.

But, I couldn’t help but notice something heavy was in my pocket...
I wrote this a long time ago. You can also read this story here: Just scroll down to the runner ups,
I'm a runner up for Grade 11.


Friday, October 18, 2013

True Nothingness [Poem]

Where do the unremembered scenes of a dream go?
What happens to a train of thought when you forget it?

They go to True Nothingness. Not fake nothingness,
because that's still a thing. But real and complete nihility.
What's wrong? How is nonbeing any less a miracle than being?

Don't we all wish we could go to that Anti-Place sometimes?
If like a sleeping man we could effortlessly dissolve the world:
No unsatisfying past, burdensome present, or doubtful future,
Nor aching body, speedy mind or weak heart,
Not even a consciousness of outside or inside that ever was at all.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Blind to Heaven and Earth [Poem]

Being cerebral, I am blind to Heaven and Earth.
My thoughts, as mist, obscure this world of simple magic.
My eyes see the leaves, but not their labyrinths of texture.
My ears hear the rain, but not its soothing symphonies.
To be busy hoping, to be busy fearing, to be.

But the vision of this ocean has popped open my Mind,
revealing the vastness! There's so much going on out there!
Oh my God! This world, so much color, I could drown in it!
The redness of red, the greenness of green!
Fwooommmssshhh, Fwwwwoooommmsssshh...
Wwwwwoooossshhh, Wwooooossssssshhhhhhhh...
The mantras of the Ocean and Wind hypnotize me!
Every sight, every sensation is synthesized in this special space!
Mind, Body, and Other totally brought together as one experience!

Such incredible presence! Yeah, this is what life is all about!!!
The memory of that place is as imprinted in my mind as a carved letter on a rock.
I can bring myself back to that time and place with just a thought.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Talking On A Bus [Short Story]

I scrambled onto the bus and looked at the time: 8:00. I’m going to be on here for about fifty minutes. I hate these obscenely long bus rides, so I usually bring a book with me. Always something I ordered online, because local bookstores are too mainstream to meet my tastes. But today, after rummaging through my bag for two minutes, I realized I left the book I wanted to read on my bookshelf. God dammit.

Thankfully I was able to steal a seat for myself so I could just sit down and listen to my iPod. Except it was dead. Come on! Oh well. I can still put on the earphones from the iPod to feign listening to music. That way no one will talk to me.

With no book and no music, I just let the sounds of the city – the bus driving along, the cars honking, the people walking about – blur out everything else . That way I could space out in peace. Whenever my attention is totally withdrawn into my thoughts, it’s as though the world, instead of the chatter of my mind, is what’s unreal and distracting me.

So there I was, happily playing in la-la land, when a completely obnoxious person sitting by the back of the bus started to speak. I’d seen him on the bus before, his name was George. I don’t think he tried to be loud, he just had that kind of naturally deep and booming voice. “So… how’s your day been?” I looked over out of curiosity, and saw he wasn't really talking to anyone in particular. “Good”, replied a sorta-pretty blonde-haired girl, her neck tilted down, absorbed into her cellphone. Let’s call her ‘Belle’. “Good”, replied a man wearing a suit that was so fancy he stood out like a sore thumb. Let’s call him “Dave”.  I had never seen either of them on this bus before.

I quickly turned back so he wouldn't think I was listening to him or, worse yet, feel obligated to reply. However, I could still see their reflections in the window.

Then, a return to silence. That’s the end of that, right? It would have been if George hadn't decided it was time for round two about three minutes later. “I hate it when I feel alone in a crowd full of people. Why doesn’t anyone actually talk to each other anymore?”. No one responded.

“Fine,” He continued. He sure was pretty damn set on having his way, wasn't he? “I guess I'll start the conversation. Listen, this hour of the day is a pretty solid routine for me, you know. I get up, get my coffee, and get this bus to go to work from 9-5. Usually I'm alone and I start texting or zoning out or whatever this whole time. It’s just unusual to see two strangers here.” He was talking about ‘Belle’ and ‘David’, who are now singled out from among everyone and probably felt forced to respond. “Long story short, The bus won't reach my stop until another twenty-minutes or so, so I'd appreciate if you told me why you're both here so you can satisfy my curiosity”. George went on. He was quite an orator, I’ll give him that.

‘Belle’ took her focus away from her cellphone and tried to think of something to say. Oh boy. They took the bait. He’s going to reel them into a conversation, and because they’re all really loud everyone in the bus is going to have to hear it too - rather they like it or not.

‘David’ remarked,“Well, we talked just then, didn't we? You asked how my days been, I said good. What more do you want?”

George instantly replied, “You call that talking? That's not talking, that's just filling the air with words. Talking is genuine, it's a connection, it's... communication. I tell you, there hasn't been a single real word said since we sat down here.”  Now the awkwardness everyone in the bus felt was so thick you could feel it. I looked at my watch. Thirty more minutes to go. Oh god. Hurry up.

‘Belle’ put her cellphone into her pocket, to apologize for not listening to George before. “Well, I just moved into a new apartment, and taking this bus is an easier way to get there than walking. So you’ll be seeing a lot more of me.” she said.

“So why did you move out of your old apartment?” “Well, my boyfriend broke up with me, and I wanted to get away from him”. Now, I'm hardly an empath, but I think anyone would agree that poor ‘Belle’ felt George was probing a little too deeply. To get the focus away from her she turned to David and said, “Well, what about you? What do you want to talk about?” while faking a look of genuine interest.

“My mother died yesterday”. Everyone in the bus glanced at him, awkwardly, and then returned to their own little worlds, like turtles retreating into their shells. At this point I would have loved to have done that myself, but I was too curious for my own good. The poor man was tearing up. “I haven’t spoken to her in ten years. The last words I said to her were, ‘I’ll never forgive you for as long as I live!!!’. It was for a stupid reason, too. I’m on my way to her funeral, and I'm going to have to face the fact that for the last ten years of her life she thought her son hated her.”

Everyone in the bus was trying very hard to ignore him, except ‘Belle’ and George, who were paying attention to him now more than ever, like they were his therapist or his best friends or something. Their faces were both lit up with the light of genuine concern and compassion, which considering the fact that they were all strangers, was kinda sweet - kinda. George patted
‘David’s’ shoulder.

 “Oh my God, that’s so sad” ‘Belle’ said, with a bit of a cry coming on, too. It’s obvious she wanted to say something to cheer him up, but didn't know what to say. “I'm sure she forgave you in her heart”. Psh,that was so cheesy. “You really think so?” “Oh yeah. I know”. She said it with so much certainty that he believed it, and the tears paused. “I think so, too” George added.

The bus halted. The girl stood up and gave off a sign of irritation. “I have to go. Be strong. She forgave you and you forgave her” the girl said. “Aw shoot man, I get off here too” George noticed. He gave the crying ‘David’ some tissues. “You’ll make peace with her tonight”. That was the last thing he said before walking off. As they both walked off, everyone watched them, just as intently as they were watching their cell phones or ipods just a moment before.

I noticed they were engagedly talking to each other after they left the bus. The next time these three people meet they won’t be strangers.

As she left I thought, y’know, they did a really good thing. And here all these people are, trying to
hide in their own little worlds, while there are people suffering! Imagine how touching it would be if everyone in this bus offered sympathy. I mean, doesn't everyone want to feel happiness and avoid suffering? If we all realized just that one truth we’d be inspired to put smiles on our faces and wipe away each other’s tears. That would never happen, though. Nope. People are too busy spacing out, too busy being apathetic, too busy worrying about “me, me, me”. It’s awful. People are so selfish.

And those were the thoughts I dwelt on when the bus stopped again and I left to go to work. The impressions of the scene were washed away by the primary concerns of my day like how my shift is going to be, what I’m going to do for lunch, and what I'm gonna do when I get home. I hope there are people working today that I like. I wonder if I’ll have a good day today?

Monday, October 7, 2013

Making Earth Heaven [Poem]

Who would want to be on their death bed and realize,
"I had so many days each year to change this world I despise?"
Like being given a precious jewel and then throwing it away,
You didn't steer your life to a higher goal, you just drifted astray.

Let's make real all of those dreams of youth,
Let's fully realize all of these ecstatic truths:
Compassion, Wisdom, Abundance, Peace, and Freedom,
so they can be manifest in our own personal kingdoms.
We have the will! We can pull Heaven down to Earth!
We'll strive & struggle until all are full of mirth!!!

Heaven is the far-away ideal,
Earth is the nitty-gritty real,
And we are the bridge in-between,
making dreams reality for all beings.